
9 things every beginner surfer should know

9 things every beginner surfer should know
All surfers wish they knew more when they started, that's why we wrote this article, to help those beginners surfers learn quicker! 9 things every surfer should know.

Wax or Tail / Traction Pad - Do you need a tail pad?

Wax or Tail / Traction Pad - Do you need a tail pad?
Choosing the right tail pad or wax can be quite difficult, we go into depth about whether or not you should use wax or a tail pad, and why. Take a read here.

Surf & Surfboard History: 1778 to 2018 an Indepth time-machine

Surf & Surfboard History: 1778 to 2018 an Indepth time-machine

The evolution of surfing and surfboards is seriously interesting, founded in 1778, the 240-year journey of surfing, the full surfing, and board history until 2018.